Rental chalet

Here is the color of the filtration membrane after a week of rental at the chalet.

The filter membrane represents the average waste collected.

Filter Shop

Unfold the membrane

Unfolding the membrane allows you to clearly see the quantity of accumulated waste. Here is a very representative example after a rental period of three days for five travelers.

This waste will decompose in the hot spa water. These organic compounds will give off bad odors. A large quantity of chlorine will be necessary to neutralize these wastes

Filter Shop

Rental chalet

Here, following another rental, the membrane is not too dirty. Snow covers the ground and little organic matter ends up in the water. In this case, a simple rinse with the garden hose will be adequate.

Filter Shop

Rental cottage two

See the amount of waste caught in the membrane.

In this more extreme case, I prefer to replace it. I will soak the room membrane for 12 hours in a small tank filled with a degreasing solution. I will then rinse it with the garden hose. It will be as clean as new.

The spa water being freed from waste, is softer and odorless.

Filter Shop

Using a washing machine

It is possible to use a washing machine to clean your membranes.

For optimal results, first soak them for 12 hours in a degreasing solution.

Although this method works effortlessly, it is not recommended because it degrades the fabric more quickly.

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